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Julie Kershaw, Blue Badge Guide
T/A Liverpool Entente Cordiale Tours
Graduated as "Guide of the Year" 2013
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Titanic Walk - Liverpool
Learn about the legendary ship's connection to Liverpool, her spiritual home
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107 years after the maiden voyage of RMS Titanic, why not take a guided walk around her spiritual and official hometown: Liverpool, if you are a group visiting the city? Although built in Belfast and sailing from Southampton, she was very much a Liverpool ship in every other way.
Had you witnessed the sinking of the Titanic, just before she went to her watery grave, you would have seen the word "Titanic" on her stern and, just beneath, the proud name of "Liverpool". Her owners, the White Star Line, had their world-wide headquarters in Liverpool and she was registered as a ship in the Port of Liverpool building, at a time when one in seven of the world's ships were registered in Liverpool.
For convenience many of the lower-ranking staff might have been recruited from Southampton but the planning for her maiden voyage and the appointment of her main officers was directed by White Star's Marine Superintendent in Liverpool. Her Captain, Edward Smith and his Chief, First and Second Officers lived, or had lived, in the city as did the Chief Engineer and most of his senior engineers as well as the Chief Electrician, Chief Steward and the Purser. The orchestra, who famously went down with the ship, were recruited by Liverpool music agents and even the china used on board and the ships huge ovens were supplied from Liverpool.

On your Liverpool Titanic Walk around the city centre, you will see sites associated with the above such as the former Headquarters of the White Star Line, the memorial to the Titanic Engine Room workers who sacrificed their lives to keep the ship's lights burning, memorials to the orchestra and the Captain and other sites associated with the Titanic.
An extended version of this tour, going out to the suburbs of Crosby and Waterloo, to see the houses of White Star Managing Director J Bruce Ismay, Captain Edward Smith and of other crew members is available on your coach or in a chauffeur-driven private tour.