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Julie Kershaw, Blue Badge Guide
T/A Liverpool Entente Cordiale Tours
Graduated as "Guide of the Year" 2013
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Port Sunlight Walk
A leisurely guided walk around the picturesque garden village of Port Sunlight
Disponible en français pour des groupes

Photo Copyright: Julie Kershaw
Discover the Victorian garden village of Port Sunlight, provided by William Lever for the factory workers who made his Sunlight Soap. Learn how Lever Brothers made their fortune and eventually amalgamated to become Unilever and of Lever's philanthropy which led him to build houses, way ahead of their time, for his workers. Over 30 different architects built the blocks of houses you will see, each one different from each other as well as public buildings such as a hospital, school, church and the lovely Lady Lever Art Gallery, probably the only National Museum to be found in a village. All set in lovely wide green spaces barely changed from Victorian times. You might even stumble across a film crew as the village has served as a filming location for productions from "Chariots of Fire" to "Peaky Blinders".
Port Sunlight can also be visited as part of your coach tour on request.