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Julie Kershaw, Blue Badge Guide
T/A Liverpool Entente Cordiale Tours
Graduated as "Guide of the Year" 2013
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Knotty Ash Walk
A walk around the historic village of Knotty Ash, home to the legendary Diddy Men and Jam Butty Mines.

Knotty Ash, named after an old ash tree which once stood there, was originally a small country village on the bridleway to Prescot. When it later became a coaching road, Knotty Ash was a busy toll point and coaching inns sprung up to accommodate travellers and the village prospered.
We shall also learn about a disused railway station that once saw 1000's of US troops disembark, a forgotten Liverpool brewery, a memorial to Nelson not considered good enough for Exchange Flags and a venue where the Beatles played. We might even see a Diddy Man!

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